Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Sirius.B is on a short touring and playing hiatus (only two weeks long) as Pancho will be up North for a (his) wedding shower.

We return to a busy playing schedule upon his return, starting with two shows in Charleston, SC on April 24th and 25th (see the show schedule at the website --

See you then!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Columbia, SC

We had a great time in Columbia this weekend, though unfortunately we were forced to play without our star violinist, who needed to remain back home for previous engagements. We managed to have a great time, however, and made heaps of new friends.

We kicked off our Cola experience with some wandering minstrelry on the USC campus, and after a number of hours there, continued on to Cafe Strudel, where we were to play that evening. We all enjoyed some nice sandwiches and delicious beer before heading on stage to play to a group that had become our friends. It was a great time.

Late night, after our own gig was over, we headed over to the Art Bar to check out our friends from Hellblinki Sextet. After dancing for a while to their tunes, we accepted their amazing invitation to join them on stage for a group rendition of Bella Ciao that the crowd and we musicians all enjoyed equally.

Below are a few photos from our journey. One is of a very flattering piece of grafitti that we saw at a rest stop somewhere in SC. The other is of Xavi, Mojito and me, looking sort of weird on the USC campus.
