Monday, March 30, 2009


The Bobo show was great! Thanks so much to everyone that came out and danced their faces off --

I kicked off the show with my talented and wonderful friend Lauren Baker (whom I called Lauren Davis for some reason when introducing her) -- (Together we make A Gypsy & A Jew). That was an amazing experience, as I rarely get a chance to play to a quiet crowd. Lauren was amazing and the crowd was so supportive and receptive -- We loved it. (For those not familiar with our music, sorry -- we don't have a CD yet, but we will one of these days, and I'll make damn sure that everyone knows where to buy it).

Then Sirius.B took the stage and the crowd stood up, moved chairs and tables and hit the dance floor, rocking out BoBo like in the early days of the band...It was great.

Vortex Park, our good friends from Atlanta, closed out the night with their frantic, frenzied, genius brand of music. It was a night to remember.

We'll be in Columbia this weekend (Saturday) at a place with the funny name of Cafe Strudel -- and we'll be there all night long. If you live in the area, come out and say hello.

That's all for now, hopefullly we'll have some BoBo photos soon.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Here at Sirius.B, we love Cuttlefish, and hope that you do too. We also enjoy Saturday night shows at BoBo, especially when they happen this Saturday.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

BoBo Saturday Night

This Saturday, we'll be at the BoBo Gallery on Lexington Avenue, in Asheville, NC. Bobo is one of our favorite places to play in town, as we've been playing there since the beginning of our days together.

If the walls of BoBo could talk, I'm sure that they would comment on our improvement since those days. They might also have other stories to tell.

Come join us and Vortex Park for a big-ass bash. See you then!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Hot-Lanta and Cola

We're back in Asheville after a couple of days out on on the road this weekend -- We spent Friday night in Columbia, where we played at the Hunter Gatherer Brewery to a great audience. They were perhaps slightly more subdued than we're used to in Asheville, though it was obvious from the intense head bopping (which, I believe, often passes for dancing in Columbia) and the few wonderfully frenzied dancers that we made an effect. Everyone was greatly supportive and they seemed to genuinely enjoy our tunes, so we were happy.

Grey Egg, with whom we shared the show, also played a great show, the majority of which was made up of weird and whimsical songs in what seemed to be an invented language.

Saturday we spent eating Korean food (Blue Cactus, in Columbia, is definitely worth checking out) and driving to Atlanta, where we joined up with our good friends, THE FALCON LORDS. These guys, if you don't yet know them, are simply amazing -- they are crime fighting superheroes that also play music. Their tights are fashionable, their boots are gold, and they wear "executive manbriefs". And, on top of all this, their music is fantastic. We also met a bunch of new friends and new bands, and while I don't remember everyone's name, I will be sure to find out the names of at least the bands and post them here as soon as I can.

As for the venu, we played in a great place on New Street in Decatur. It was essentially a tricked out industrial mini-warehouse run by some ATL kids. The sound was great, the crowd was awesome, the beer was cold, and the hot dogs were fatty. We had a great time. Thanks to all that helped make that possible.

Below I'm going to post some photos -- I'm unsure of their quality, but they serve at least to give a feeling of the weekend (or in the case of a few, of a some time on the radio in Greensboro a month of so ago). I particularly enjoy the photo of Xavi trying to pull the huge piece of metal that got stuck in the bottom of Mrs. Breeze (our sturdy and loyal chariot) after we drove over it. Note the lovely composition, especially the hat that Amy is throwing to Mike, which I caught flying through the air, framed by the window. I also enjoy the shot of Beth knitting during our radio show...

Be well. We love you all very much.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sirius.B Blog

We've got a blog! Check here for a regularly updated array of tales, stories, and amazing ideas from the members of Sirius.B.